Saturday, March 29, 2014

Week 10: competencies & critical pedagogy

6 weeks MOOC +1 + SpringB + 8 wks class.
WEEK TEN: 1 & 2 APR: explorations

•T 4-6:30 (WDS 2101C): competency-based 

the Tuesday group wants to spend the term working on snowballing interests: this week is an exploration of the current interest in and politics of "competency-based learning." What is it, who advocates it and why, what might it mean for various interests in higher education? We explore the debates at Inside Higher Ed & the talk section of the Wikipedia, along with other sites the Tuesday group brings in for collective examination and comparison.

In addition to our reading & discussion today, some competencies we shared, considered, worked on:

1) online search; 2) analyzing sources; 3) reading the Wikipedia for debates and revisions; 4) citations; 5) keeping records of search & research; 6) analyzing actors and networks of controversy 

Next week we will investigate "adaptive" and "personalized" elements, as well as do a Latour-style Actor-Network analysis of the debates, tracking:

>places & events
>stakeholders with interests
>>views of the world & controlling values
>>>translation & composition 

See Week 4 for Katie's example of such an analysis. 


•W 1-3:30 (WDS 2101C + around the offices)

the Wednesday group has planned out a series of topics, readings, and project orientation for the rest of the term: this week focuses on Critical Pedagogy.

RETURN HERE FOR WEEK ELEVEN SCHEDULES @ UMD! Click HERE for Davidson's MetaMOOC around which this course currently revolves. Community members are welcome and appreciated!

A one-time unique experimental course for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and all! Customizable for level, credit, schedule, forms of presence! Contact Katie King ( for details! 


Warren Hedges, Immanent Domain & EMDA @ SOU 


>>EFL Wednesday community plans<<

Week Ten – Week of March 31, 2014: Critical Pedagogy
All read:
·       Selections from Freire 1968: Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Chapters 2, 3 and 4 (chapter 2 is the most-often assigned, but chapters 3 and 4 are REALLY good. Chapter 2 might be a pretty quick/familiar read if folks had a chance to read Davidson’s 2012 Now You See It. A lot of what she has in there is connected closely/a rehash of Freire’s earlier theorizing)

·       hooks 2003: Teaching Community
·       Giroux 2003: Utopian Thinking Under the Sign of Neoliberalism: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Educated Hope:
·       Sengupta 2006: I/Me/Mine--Intersectional Identities as Negotiated Minefields:

Week Eleven – Week of April 7, 2014: Digital Media/Gamification; MOOC Pedagogy
All read:
·       selections from boyd 2014: It’s Complicated
·       “Grow a Game”:

·       McGonigal 2011: Reality is Broken &/or TED talks:
·       Not Your Mama’s Gamer:
·       online materials from FemEdTech DOCC:

Week Twelve – Week of April 14, 2014: Performance/Embodied Learning
All read:
·       Ito 2013: introduction to Hanging Out, Messing Around, Geeking Out:

·       Despret 2004: The Body We Care for: Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis:
·       Felman 2001: Never a Dull Moment: Teaching and the Art of Performance; selection: 
·       Boal 2003: Games for Actors and Non-actors

Week Thirteen – Week of April 21, 2014: hangout/messaround/poster session
·       K. King joins at 2:30

All read:
·       Smith 2007: The Guerilla Art Kit
·       Ito 2013: introduction to Hanging Out, Messing Around, Geeking Out:

posters: prototype “gamified tools” for our critical pedagogy toolbox

Week Fourteen – Week of April 28, 2014: TBA
Week Fifteen – Week of May 5, 2014: LAST DAYS! LEARNING ANALYSES

Statement of Teaching/Student Affairs(?) Philosophy? week 14 or 15?
Reading list/collaborative annotated bib of “snowballed” readings?
final project: “gamified critical pedagogy toolbox”?

Daily Affirmations for the Revolutionary  
