For credit students will be keeping Field Notes on our Experiments in Feminist Learning. Everyone is invited to do so and share!
This page is a resource for your understandings of HOW: keeping Learn/Think/Play mindfully present!
Katie plans on playing with her Field Notes using the app Paper, the stylus Pencil, on her iPad mini. (These are all new toys/tools that she is just beginning to learn how to use and has been playing with recently.) You should come up with a way of doing this that is most fun for you, easy, and maybe new!
Katie will be taking to heart the suggestions made on participant-observation made in
•Eric Laurier’s 2010 handout on Participant-observation: [download from there]
•Gregory Grieve’s handout on How to Write Field Notes. See his website at: [download:]
MIT Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarden website
Creating your own computer game is child's play (2008)
Invent to Learn : check out this book!!
Katie's Transmedia Ecologies Learning
How do we put together our own Community Manifesto? How is both like and unlike a syllabus? How will it change our syllabus? What roll will our syllabus play in our Community?
Logbook template: to be used for customizing participation and documenting your work for the term.
(Click the blue link to see one for a regular class. We will discuss how collectively we will alter it for our purposes, and how you will customize it for your individual experiences.)
Davidson's thoughts on Day 1