6 weeks MOOC +1 + SpringB + 8 wks class = 15/16.
WEEKS FIFTEEN & SIXTEEN: 6 & 7 MAY AND 13 MAY: learnings
RETURN HERE FOR FINAL UPDATES ON THIS EXPERIMENTAL COURSE! Click HERE for Davidson's MetaMOOC around which this course began. Community members are welcome and appreciated for either or both meeting times!
A one-time unique experimental course for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and all! Customizable for level, credit, schedule, forms of presence! Contact Katie King (katking@umd.edu) for details!
•T 4-6:30 (WDS 2101C)
This will be the next to the last class for the Tuesday group. Modding the learning analysis for presentation on the 13th is the focus, along with deciding how to shape the documentation of the great LEARNING Event on the 26th for this website. One more class to come!
SOON! a narrative documentation on the Learning Event will reside on this website: everyone is working on that now!
•W 1-3:30 (WDS 2101C + around the offices)
The learning analysis and the finalizing work on Grow a Class will take up this last class of the term. What goes up on the website to document the Wednesday community meeting's final project will be shaped. What forms will Grow a Class take now, after our experiments are done? Who will take it up now? Thanks to community members both registered students and others for all your hard work!SOON! downloadable version of the Grow a Class cards with instructions will reside on this website: still in process right now!