6 weeks MOOC +1 + SpringB + 8 wks class.
WEEK THIRTEEN: 22 & 23 APR: games, bodies
RETURN HERE FOR WEEK FOURTEEN SCHEDULES @ UMD! Click HERE for Davidson's MetaMOOC around which this course began. Community members are welcome and appreciated for either or both meeting times!
A one-time unique experimental course for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and all! Customizable for level, credit, schedule, forms of presence! Contact Katie King (katking@umd.edu) for details!
•T 4-6:30 (WDS 2101C)
The Tuesday group this week plans to continue its exploration of games, learning, play. What are the ranges of various interests in games in higher education? We explore the debates through sites the Tuesday group brings in for collective examination and comparison, and look at the school Quest to Learn again with an eye to the issues raised.
Specifically, in terms of the idea that gaming creates addiction, distraction, anti-social behavior, and aggression, go to Boyd's work for what she says about this, as well as a bit of internet searching. Also, consider Q2L for buzzwords we've been looking at and how they fit into gaming learning model/s. We also are completing the "5 Things" preparation for Learning Analysis. (We will mod the Games class LA for our own use.)
We are getting close to when we're planning the final project, so we're doing work on that, too.
This week the Wednesday group goes on to the next area from their series of topics, readings, and project orientation for the rest of the term: this week focuses on Performance and Embodied Learning.
Week Thirteen – Week of April 21, 2014: Performance/Embodied Learning
All read:
· Ito 2013: introduction to Hanging Out, Messing Around, Geeking Out: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/titles/free_download/9780262013369%20_Hanging_Out.pdf
· Boal 1993: Theatre of the Oppressed http://mellonseminaremotions.wikispaces.com/file/view/Boal+Agusto-Theatre+of+the+Oppressed.pdf
chapter to read from "Theatre of The Oppressed" is Chapter 4 Poetics of The Oppressed
· Despret 2004: The Body We Care for: Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis:
· Felman 2001: Never a Dull Moment: Teaching and the Art of Performance; selection: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzmKs1Fz7m9uME9Bd2U0d3BKWlE/edit?usp=sharing
· Boal 2003: Games for Actors and Non-actors
Games class Learning Analysis for our modding and use HERE.