Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Introduction to Experiments in Feminist Learning

A one-time unique experimental course for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and all! Customizable for level, credit, schedule, forms of presence! Contact Katie King ( for details! 

first thing to do! SIGN UP FOR the Davidson MOOC starting 27 January that will be one anchor of the course across the country, link here:

Our first week or two: come to either class time as is convenient to participate in designing our version of the course here at UMD and to customize your participation. Come to • WDS 0104 Tu at 4-6:30 pm or to • SYM 0216 W 1-3:30 pm. (You are welcome to come to both!) Be sure to sign up for the MOOC, look over this website, and examine the PRELIMINARY syllabus: this is a discussion document to be altered for our various uses. (See Your Field Notes tab for Field Notes assignment, and scroll down to end to find and consider our preliminary syllabus.) 

See MOOC site for all materials too: some available online, and also ordered at UMD Bookstore:

Readings (from the MOOC site):

There will be specific “readings”--articles, blog posts, websites, videos, and other resources--suggested for each lecture. The main “texts” for this course will be:
connection tools for iPhone and iPad: 

Coursera on the App Store on iTunes

Coursistant - iPad app for Coursera & Udacity

On Twitter: #FutureEd
On Facebook:
Davidson's blogsite: What is a MOOC?

See Davidson's article at Inside Higher Ed: "It's not a MOOC, It's a Movement!":

Davidson on Rethinking Education on YouTube:


Follow on HASTAC

Q&A with Professor Christopher Newfield
January 22, 2014

Here are the questions that the students in the Duke/Stanford/University of California at Santa Barbara classes asked before the Google Hangout with Professor Christopher Newfield (UCSB).   You can watch this Google Hang Out on YouTube:  online

Newfield, Christopher. Unmaking the Public University:  The Forty Year Assault on the Middle Class. Harvard University Press. 2011. Print.   9780674060364  


Resources on Critical Making: an approach to new learning processes and ecologies!

Know about Play as Inquiry? check out this alternate realty game here!

Katie's students in the Games and Virtual Worlds class playing too: see pics here


Steve Berg's Oscelot Scholars sites, the conversations have already begun there too!: 
=for discussions:  
=for publications:  


#FutureEd in Clouds: University, Humanities, and MOOCs
